Eat your vegetables.

Created by Mannu one year ago
Buaji was strict. Everyone knew that. Strict because she cared. As a child I was a picky eater, sitting at the dining room table I refused to eat my vegetables.

I REFUSED. I would not do it.
Buaji coaxed me with love. I would not do it.
I couldn't leave the table until I did. I would not do it.
Buaji took a spoonful and pushed it against my lips. I would not do it.
Buaji took the spoon and wacked it against my teeth. I opened my mouth, she pushed it in, and I spit it out. I. Would. Not. Do. It.
Hours went by with a stale mate, I simply would not do it.
Buaji came, sat with me, held me close and said, "one of two things is for certain: You will either eat your vegetables or you're going to lose your teeth, but you WILL finish your plate".

And just like that...I ate my vegetables.

Most would have given up, most wouldn't have cared. But not Buaji. She made it clear, I would not win. We were wild children, but not unteachable. She taught us not only the meaning of love but also the importance of dicipline. Like an angel, Buaji came into our lives, leaving them better than how she found them. We will miss her dearly.